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Sol Baldi

Argentinian filmmaker. Based in Bristol.​


I have done filmmaking in Argentina, Paris, and the UK. 


After years of doing fine art to discover my style in filmmaking, I've been developing my art into filmmaking. 



Feature film
October 2023

Mia comes from her town to the city in search of adventure and opportunity. She meets Hina, a scandalous and troubled young woman who invites her to her apartment and introduces her to Mario, who sees potential in her as a future doll and includes her in his world of fantasy.

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Feature documentary
December 2023

Multipass is a documentary about
how social media affect people’s life, mostly teenagers or young adults. It
follows a group of young people in Barcelona, in which they all have their alter ego, their artistic name, that follows them wherever they go, shaping their identities. A mixture of drugs, raves and mental disorders that comes from the loss of identity that social media brings now a days.

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